Armadillo V4.0-V4.4.DLL UnPacK Script ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FileName : Armadillo V4.0-V4.4.DLL.osc // Comment : Armadillo V4.0-V4.4.DLL UnPacK Script // Environment : WinXP SP2,OllyDbg V1.10,OllyScript V0.92 // Author : fly // WebSite : // Date : 2005-12-12 16:00 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* ★ 注意: ★ 如果OllyDBG载入目标DLL时无法暂停在其EP而直接运行 请先设置OllyDBG忽略除了“内存访问异常”和“异常范围”之外的其他异常选项, 等OllyDBG暂停在第一个内存异常处,再忽略所有异常选项,然后运行此脚本。 Attention: if OllyDBG fail to first pause at EP when loading a dll, plz not check the "Memory access violation" & "Igorne also following ..." after is pause at first exceptoin, then check those exceptions options all and run the script. */ #log dbh var T0 var T1 var temp var bpcnt var MagicJMP var JmpAddress var fiXedOver var OpenMutexA var GetModuleHandleA var set_new_handler var FindOEP MSGYN "Plz Clear All BreakPoints And Set Debugging Option Ignore All Excepions Options And Add C000001D..C000001E in custom exceptions !" cmp $RESULT, 0 je TryAgain //OutputDebugStringA———————————————————————————————— gpa "OutputDebugStringA", "KERNEL32.dll" mov [$RESULT], #C20400# //OpenMutexA———————————————————————————————— gpa "OpenMutexA", "KERNEL32.dll" mov OpenMutexA,$RESULT mov [OpenMutexA], #33C0C20C00# //GetModuleHandleA———————————————————————————————— gpa "GetModuleHandleA", "KERNEL32.dll" find $RESULT,#C20400# mov GetModuleHandleA,$RESULT bp GetModuleHandleA eob GetModuleHandleA GoOn0: esto GetModuleHandleA: cmp eip,GetModuleHandleA jne GoOn0 cmp bpcnt,1 je VirtualFree cmp bpcnt,2 je Third /* 00129528 00BE6DF3 RETURN to 00BE6DF3 from kernel32.GetModuleHandleA 0012952C 00BFBC1C ASCII "kernel32.dll" 00129530 00BFCEC4 ASCII "VirtualAlloc" */ VirtualAlloc: mov temp,esp add temp,4 log temp mov T0,[temp] cmp [T0],6E72656B log [T0] jne GoOn0 add temp,4 mov T1,[temp] cmp [T1],74726956 jne GoOn0 bc OpenMutexA inc bpcnt jmp GoOn0 /* 00129528 00BE6E10 RETURN to 00BE6E10 from kernel32.GetModuleHandleA 0012952C 00BFBC1C ASCII "kernel32.dll" 00129530 00BFCEB8 ASCII "VirtualFree" */ VirtualFree: mov temp,esp add temp,4 mov T1,[temp] cmp [T1],6E72656B jne GoOn0 add temp,4 mov T1,[temp] add T1,7 cmp [T1],65657246 log [T1] jne GoOn0 inc bpcnt jmp GoOn0 /* 0012928C 00BD5CE1 RETURN to 00BD5CE1 from kernel32.GetModuleHandleA 00129290 001293DC ASCII "kernel32.dll" */ Third: mov temp,esp add temp,4 mov T1,[temp] cmp [T1],6E72656B jne GoOn0 bc GetModuleHandleA sti //MagicJMP———————————————————————————————— /* 00BD5CDB FF15 B860BF00 call dword ptr ds:[BF60B8] ; kernel32.GetModuleHandleA 00BD5CE1 8B0D AC40C000 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[C040AC] 00BD5CE7 89040E mov dword ptr ds:[esi+ecx],eax 00BD5CEA A1 AC40C000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[C040AC] 00BD5CEF 391C06 cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+eax],ebx 00BD5CF2 75 16 jnz short 00BD5D0A 00BD5CF4 8D85 B4FEFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14C] 00BD5CFA 50 push eax 00BD5CFB FF15 BC62BF00 call dword ptr ds:[BF62BC] ; kernel32.LoadLibraryA 00BD5D01 8B0D AC40C000 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[C040AC] 00BD5D07 89040E mov dword ptr ds:[esi+ecx],eax 00BD5D0A A1 AC40C000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[C040AC] 00BD5D0F 391C06 cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+eax],ebx 00BD5D12 0F84 2F010000 je 00BD5E47 */ find eip,#39????0F84# cmp $RESULT,0 je NoFind add $RESULT,3 mov MagicJMP,$RESULT log MagicJMP mov T0,$RESULT add T0,2 mov T1, [T0] add T1,4 add T1,T0 mov JmpAddress,T1 log JmpAddress eval "jmp {JmpAddress}" asm MagicJMP,$RESULT /* 00BD5C8C 391D F0B0BF00 cmp dword ptr ds:[BFB0F0],ebx 00BD5C92 0F84 C4010000 je 00BD5E5C */ mov temp,MagicJMP sub temp,100 find temp,#39??????????0F84# cmp $RESULT,0 je NoFind add $RESULT,6 mov T0,$RESULT add T0,2 mov T1, [T0] add T1,4 add T1,T0 mov fiXedOver,T1 log fiXedOver eob fiXedOver bp fiXedOver esto GoOn1: esto fiXedOver: cmp eip,fiXedOver jne GoOn1 bc fiXedOver eval "je {JmpAddress}" asm MagicJMP,$RESULT //_set_new_handler———————————————————————————————— gpa "?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z", "msvcrt.dll" mov set_new_handler,$RESULT eob set_new_handler bp set_new_handler esto GoOn2: esto set_new_handler: cmp eip,set_new_handler jne GoOn2 bc set_new_handler rtu rtr //FindOEP———————————————————————————————— /* 10320DE6 8B0D 90D63410 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1034D690] 10320DEC 51 push ecx 10320DED FF15 C4D63410 call dword ptr ds:[1034D6C4] */ find eip,#8B??????????51FF15# cmp $RESULT,0 je NoFind add $RESULT,7 mov FindOEP,$RESULT log FindOEP eob FindOEP bp FindOEP esto FindOEP: bc FindOEP sti //GameOver———————————————————————————————— log eip cmt eip, "This is the OEP! Found By: fly " MSG "Just : OEP ! Dump and Fix IAT/Relocation/Code Splicing. Good Luck " ret NoFind: MSG "Error! Don't find. " ret TryAgain: MSG " Plz Try Again ! " ret