/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////// DBPE V2.X Unpack script v0.1 Author: loveboom Email : bmd2chen@tom.com OS : Win2kADV sp2,OllyDbg 1.1b,OllyScript v0.62 Date : 2004-3-21 Config: Ignore all exceptions Note : If imports table like this "JMP DWORD PTR DS:[804EXXXX] or Call DWORD PTR DS:[804EXXXX]" then use winhex edit target's memory,strat addr:IAT start address,find hex"4E80" Replace "4E00". f you have one or more question, email me please,thank you! Warning:If you want unpacking manual,you'd better use Winxp+IDT tool debug target If your system is Win2k,Be careful in(SYSTEM CRASH,hoho!) ////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ var csize var cbase var count mov count,3 gmi eip,CODEBASE mov cbase,$RESULT gmi eip,CODESIZE mov csize,$RESULT lbl1: eob lbl2 gpa "CloseHandle","kernel32.dll" bphws $RESULT,"x" run lbl2: sub count,1 cmp count,0 je lbl3 run jmp lbl2 lbl3: bphwc $RESULT eob lbl4 bprm cbase,csize run lbl4: bpmc eob lbl5 findop eip,#FFE0# bprm $RESULT,A msg "Now Ctrl+B Find 89BD(like this '75 89 jnz addr <89BDxxxxxxxx>'),at the third time replace'nop(909090909090)' and then find 890F replace 8907,last time,resume script!" pause run lbl5: bpmc sto cmt eip,"OEP Found,please dumped it!" msg "Script by loveboom[DFCG],Thank you for using my script!" ret