/* SLVc0deProtector 0.61 OEP Finder Made by: GaBoR {RES} */ gpa "OutputDebugStringA", "kernel32.dll" bphws $RESULT,"x" run bphwc $RESULT rtu sto rtu find eip,#4F6C6C79# //searching for string:"Olly" find $RESULT,#4F6C6C79# //search again, because the first one was "Ollydbg.exe" fill $RESULT,4,47 //replace found string with "GGGG" findop eip,#F3A4# bphws $RESULT,"x" //an intermediate breakpoint to let the protector decompress itself run bphwc $RESULT find eip,#5858FFE0# //search for pop eax,pop eax,jmp eax(this will jump to the OEP) bphws $RESULT,"x" run bphwc $RESULT sto sto sto cmt eip,"OEP found by GaBoR {RES}" msg "Dump the process with Imprec,fix the IAT & fix header!" ret